Community is the Medicine

Growing up, I was a pretty independent kid. I have two older brothers, but they had their own bond that at the time, so there was no room for me. I always was the type to have a small circle of friends, even throughout high school and college. I never really had a group of super like-minded individuals around me though.

The truth is you don’t realize how medicinal it is until you experience it. Like I said, I’ve always been a pretty independent, I-got-this-all-by-myself, kind of girl. At the end of 2019 is when I first discovered what this word “community” that I kept hearing was all about. I know we probably all whine about how annoying social media is, but as I reflect, it’s actually connected me to some incredible people and opportunities. At the end of the day, it’s a tool and it’s all about how you use it. Anyway, I was invited to try a class at a local hot yoga studio by an Instagram friend (hey Elissa!) and immediately fell in love with the space. She was so inviting and so were the other instructors/staff. But not only them, the students attending the space were too. After one week of being there, learning everyone’s names, becoming more comfortable with how my voice sounds in a room full of strangers, I was like ohh… this is what that show Cheers was all about. It slowly became my second home.


This was my first taste of having a tribe of people that I could talk to about fasting, yoga, being an outcast within my family, spiritual relationships, the list goes on. I’m sure if you’re reading this, you know how lonely and isolated this journey can be sometimes. Having ears that were actually listening really tested me to express myself. I didn’t really ever have that as a kid and so it was foreign to me. It was so comforting to just fully say how I felt and even if the receiver doesn’t understand fully, they’re listening. Before I knew it, I was then a Breathwork Facilitator hosting spaces with others there, which never did I ever see coming.

Once this first seed sprouted, it just became a garden. I began hosting my own community spaces! Actually starting on my 26th birthday with my Birthday Breath Session. Then it was Hustle & Harmony mini-retreats that I co-hosted with one of my best friends Viipyr. Then that led to what I now can say is one of my all time favorite experiences in this lifetime: Connected Camping.


We have a post of how it all started on the Connected Camping Instagram, but I can just tell you that it was the most organically grown seed to date. No expectations at all were made for the first camp that we all enjoyed together. There were about 10-14 of us, strangers and familiar faces combined. The next day I just remember being on a natural high that I can’t even put into words. The bliss was running through my body! We spent that evening singing, dancing, sharing, playing, breathing. I didn’t know I could be so vulnerable. It was like I unlocked a new part of myself. It felt very ancestral to come together the way that we did.


Fast forward to now and this community has blossomed SO extraordinary. I can now say I have friends from SO many different walks of life, yet we are connected. From Cali to Philly to Texas to Florida to right here in Georgia, we’ve got a tribe. I never imagined I’d be a part of something so cool honestly. When I think about the younger me, I’m like woah. ME?! I’m hosting and sharing that kind of space? Where people can really just be whoever they want to be with no judgements?! That’s a dream come true. If I can also really be honest, healing others was never a number one priority for me. It always sounded like a lot of responsibility and it’s not like I don’t like to help others, but I guess i never considered myself as one of those people. But discovering the power of the breath, led me to all of this.

Because I began sharing online breathwork it led me to Elissa, which led me to the yoga studio, which led me to host Hustle & Harmony, which is where I met my business partner and co-host for Connected Camping. All birthed from me breathing! Now I’ve even connected with a community in San Diego (shout out to Dharma Glow!) and I collaborate with other healers on their events, and I can see the abundance is just beginning.


The message I’m sharing is that this whole life thing? It’s not impossible to do alone, but it’s way harder. We were made to express and share. If you’re feeling lonely or isolated, know that that feeling isn’t forever. Trust me, I was right there. I felt like no one could even begin to understand the thoughts that were going on in my brain. But here I am, years later, with a whole team and community of people to call on when I just need a smile or moment to just vent.

I strongly encourage you to go join a local studio/gym/book club/whatever! You really NEVER know who you will meet. It is the most exciting thing to remember that you haven’t met all the people you’re going to love yet. Community is the medicine.

Casey BuddComment