What I'm Currently Accepting About Life

My focus this month is acceptance. Fully accepting myself has been a process this entire year. I think we’re forever learning how to accept ourselves. But I will say I’ve made some big progress this year. Learning to fully accept my emotions and feelings was a big theme in 2021. I’ve had to grieve a part of my own self which led to me feeling every single emotion you can imagine. Anger being one of the emotions I don’t often feel for a while was probably the hardest one to fully accept. Waking up just mad at the world, mad at life, mad at myself. Then there was absolute sadness that physically hurts on the heart. Then there was confusion and mistrust within myself. Honestly the list could go on and on and on. But overall that experience challenged me to fully be present with what I was feeling and not necessarily attach any absolutes to how I was feeling.

How did I do that? I really had no other choice honestly. There was some periods this past year where I just HAD to sit in my emotions. When I was spending time in California with my brother in his off-grid living situation, all I had was time. No wifi for real, just nature and I building a relationship. With that much time in stillness, nature taught me how natural it is to grow and change and evolve and to never rush any of that process. I really did learn that time and patience are the only recipes sometimes to healing.

With that experience, came so much more acceptance about life and those around me. Most of us are just doing the best that we can each day! We only know what we know in this current moment, and I think the biggest lesson? Is that we really don’t know shit. Every day we may walk around and convince the world that we know or have an idea of what’s going on, but the truth is, we all are just figuring this life thing out daily.

So I’m currently accepting the people in my life more than anything right now. Accepting them fully for who they are, not the idea in my mind of who they could be or solely my perception of them. Rose colored glasses were snatched off of my face this year and I feel like I can finally really see things with more clarity and realism. There’s no changing anyone but yourself so you mine as well love on the people you can love while you’re experiencing life together and keep it moving.

At times, like all of us, I can find myself being overly judgey of others. Certain habits they do or choices they make don’t sit right with my way of thinking. But realizing that this is really only stemming from how judgey I am of myself and the only way to lead with love and move with gratitude is to let that shit go. This idea that things aren’t already perfect the way they are right now in this moment has got to go. That’s not to say you should tolerate something that you don’t like or that makes you uncomfortable, but to trust that you’ll come to that moment of clarity at the exact right time.

What are you currently accepting about life? What has 2021 made you accept about yourself?

Casey BuddComment