Committed to Evolving


Sup? Currently writing this as I wait for my delayed flight from Minneapolis to Atlanta, sleepy af too. Minneapolis has been beautiful. It’s been nice to have a little chill in the air. Atlanta is that miserable humid kind of hot.

2020 has been one of the best years of my life. I feel like I’m not allowed to say that out loud. Like that needs to be whispered or something. But it’s true! I feel so alive and connected this year, to everything and everyone. The universe/source/life/God has been presenting me with some beautiful opportunities, reflecting some wonderful mirrors around me, all while keeping my feet on the ground and my head held high. Happiness as an adult seems to be going extinct. We rely on money or status to provide this feeling. But for me, I’d say peace has provided it more than anything.

I know it sounds ‘foo foo’ or whatever, but for real, how can you really make quality decisions of life if you have zero peace in the heart. The idea of chasing anything seems ridiculous to me now. Sometimes I can’t believe how much energy was spent on the ‘chase’ and ‘desires’ of manifestations. But peace and desire can’t co-exist. When you really commit to evolving, you really just attract. This is where I insert the Tao Te Ching, but you should’ve known that already. There’s so much action in non-action.

This past weekend I found myself in tears so often. After breathwork, in the middle of the day, listening to music. And at some points, I couldn’t even explain where the tears were coming from. One breath session, I felt this deeply-rooted generational pain. My right knee has been giving my issues for the past 3 months. If you know anything about the metaphysical depth of what that could mean, trust me I’ve been practicing innerstanding it daily. Knees represent needs, the right side is our father/masculine energy, and the right knee also represents the liver. The list goes on with what box I could put it in. But the other day, I decided to just simply be with it. Listen to it. Sit with it. Breathe into it. You learn so much when you just listen. The pain is there to get your attention, so tune in.

Anyway, just thought I’d share what’s been up with me. What’s been up with you? I’d love to hear anything that’s on your mind in this moment.

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