#TuneInJune // Daily Elevation


Yeerrrrr! It’s been a little while. I have no excuses for you this time around, just know life has been absolutely blissful. Like honestly, if I tried to complain, I’d be reaching. Realizing how much my life has transformed in just a year?! Man if anyone told me I’d be moving with the energy I move with now, I’d think that was so so so far away. I made a post on IG about it all, but there’s been so much transformation.

But anyway, just wanted to check in and say hey. I know there’s a lot of uncertainty right now (and even I’m tired of reading shit like that too) but i’ve never felt so certain on my journey. I just want that to be a ripple effect to you who is reading. I know a lot of this spiritual stuff can be very ‘woo woo’ and seem too far gone but for real. Trust the process. This is the biggest detox and purge we’ve seen as a collective and that alone is incredible. There’s no lack, just lack of perspective.

I’m on day 9 of my #TuneInJune journey as I’m writing this. 9 days of only fruit and veggie juices, coconut water, herbal tea, and water. I have a vlog coming soon that will share a more detailed reflection but I just have to at least say this crazy elevation I’m witnessing. My creativity and energy is surreal. It’s not to say every day i’m full of energy either. It’s just this total complete awareness of my energy and my breath. Your breath is your spirit. How aware of your spirit are you in this moment?

If anyone is curious, I’ve lost 3 pounds. That’s it. Breathwork properly nourishes the cells and oxygenates the systems during fasting. There’s SUCH a difference in fasting without breathwork versus with it. I’ve said it a million times but it’s effortless when you practice conscious breathing during a fast.

A big thing I’ve been really grateful for in the last month or two is community. Actually since around December of last year, I’ve discovered what that really even means. I’m definitely amazing at solitude (sometimes too good) and I never really saw the value of a community until now. It feels good to be surrounded with a tribe of different perspectives and walks of life that are open to learn from each other. The openness I’ve allowed in my life has really shown me a lot about myself. We’re all mirrors at the end of the day.

Alright, keeping this somewhat short. Just a quick check in to share what’s been up with me. What’s keeping you sane during the storm? Let me know in the comments. Let’s keep moving with love.

P.S. Here’s a podcast I recently did with my brother on the current events if you’re curious to hear more of my thoughts.

Casey BuddComment