7 Healthy Habits I'm Continuing From 2019

Spring Equinox is the real new year and so it’s only right that I share this list now. Below are 7 habits I naturally began in the last year or so and have continued to practice.

1. Breathwork

Are we surprised? As most of you probably know by now, breathwork has completely transformed my entire reality. This time last year, my life was so different. I now am a breathwork facilitator and am able to connect with some many beautiful people around the world with this gift. We are accustomed to knowing “breathing” as the natural circuit since birth but breathwork comes with so much more. The deeper you breathe, the deeper you receive. Shallow breaths produce shallow thoughts. If you’re interested in learning more, feel free to reach out to me or set up a 1:1 breathwork video chat session.

2. Naked in All Ways

Why not bare it all? Many times as women, we are wrapped up in ONLY focusing on our flaws and acne. Naturally, especially once I started breathwork, I drifted away from the need to feed my ego or appear a certain way for others. Remember, your skin is an organ, it wants to breathe and be free. In general, I think I’ve grown into being more comfortable with my nudity. Challenge yourself to go without make up for one day or sleep nude for a night and take notice of the changes in a week. 

3. Detoxifying Social Media

What are you being fed on your feed? Instagram is amazing to keep up with your homegirls from high school or see celebrities daily but take control of what is toxic. We might not instantly say,” this is toxic, get it out of my life” but your subconscious is taking in and storing what your eyes are seeing. I’m guilty of following a ton of IG models and extreme vegan/health accounts that would just end up making me feel guilty about my life decisions and self image. If you have a specific goal you’re working towards, it’s valuable to shape your social media accounts to help manifest that.

4. Enjoying Physical Activity

 Buying a bike was the best investment I made in 2019. It’s become my therapy for those days when I’m so in my head and need to get in my body. At that moment you hop on a bike and just go, it’s only you, the bike and where your feet decide to take you. Disconnect your mind from “this is a workout” and simply enjoy it. I’ve found myself detaching from the idea that I need to be at the gym at 6 AM in order to be “fit”. I now only stay active with things like hot yoga, hikes, and bike rides and my body loves me so much more for it.

5. Solo Jet Setting

Trust yourself and travel solo. Believe me, I was a little nervous my first time doing it but it was actually life changing. I was able to move freely and meet people so much easier. What better time to acknowledge that person you are than to be alone in a place your learning? My first solo trip was to Denver, Colorado and I have zero regrets about it. I’m working up the courage to definitely do it internationally some day.

6. Freely Creating

Not everyone is a Picasso or Basquiat, the point is self expression. We’re human, at some point we all need a release. Painting has become this beautiful meditative activity for me. It’s the one thing I do solely for me. I’m not selling artwork or trying to monetize it in any way, I’m just simply expressing. Take time to get connected with what it means to have “me time” and what flows naturally for you. Unwind with that song that takes your mind to another place, light the best incense/candle you can find and go for it! We’re used to being “best best” or “it doesn’t look right” but put your ego aside and express. 

7. No Phone Sleep Zone

Yepp, I know longer sleep with my phone in my room. Well okay, every chance I get. Once I get an alarm clock though, this will be all the time. There’s so much invisible stress in the air like WiFi and Bluetooth that directly affect our nocturnal state of mind. The astral world reveals so much to us, try to prioritize it. Challenge yourself to sleep with your phone in another room for at least one night this week. My dreams have become so much more clear and vivid when the harsh rays of technology are omitted.

What about you? Any healthy habits you’ve implemented into your life to share? I’d love to hear about it in the comments.


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