Artist Progress!

So first there was Lil Wayne, who Instagrammed my photo and I had zero watermark on it nor did I get credit.

Then there was Chris Brown, who Instagrammed my photo, which had a watermark of 'CB' on it, but still no credit.

And today finally, an up and coming band called Hey Violet, Instagrammed and Tweeted my watermarked photos (with my logo) (getting fancy now, right?) and THEY GAVE ME CREDIT. IT'S ABOUT TIME. I'm overwhelmed with followers, likes, and attention right now I don't even know what to do with myself. Both my Twitter & Instagram are getting bloooown up as I type this.

Welllll, I hate to even complain, but there's just one thing that could have made this a little better. Don't get me wrong, this is progress and I'm just happy to finally be credited. BUTTTT, they credited my personal Instagram, and not my photography Instagram, which desperately needs love and attention. But it is what it is, better than no credit at all. This all makes me wonder if I should create a photography twitter? And just tweet all concert photos there and what not? I guess that makes more sense... but for some reason I've been avoiding it for the longest. Decisions, decisions. 

Anyway, I'm happy happy happy to finally get recognition. This is so motivating! Probably more than most even realize. Music and photography are two things I love and I wish I had been doing this sooner.

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