Breathwork 101

Note: This was originally in an email blast but because I get so many questions about breathwork, I turned it into a blog post. If you subscribe to my email listings, you will be sent a free 10 minute guided breath session video! Enter you email at the bottom of the home page :)

Let’s get you informed on how this ancient practice works.


Lesson 1

Everything stems from the breath.

Consciously breathing from the diaphragm, changes your entire reality. By practicing breathwork, you are actually changing your own frequency and vibrations. Everything is energy. Therefore, by changing your own energy, you are able to have higher attraction levels for higher abundance. 

There are countless stories of individuals who engage in breathwork and literally in a week their entire lives change. They move into the house they’ve been dreaming of, achieve a lifetime goal, begin making more money, and all kinds of other possibilities. I even know someone who payed off all of their 13K debt in just a matter of months.

Lesson 2

Re-learning How to Breathe

Yep, you’ve even been breathing incorrectly your whole life. But it’s all good, that’s why I’m here to help.

Visual learners, watch this quick video that demonstrates the proper breathing techniques.

It’s really simple it just may take some getting used to at first. My first few sessions were uncomfortable because it was all so new to me. 

Essential things to know:

  • Inhale from your belly/diaphragm to really fill up on Prana. Your belly should literally be protruding outwards.

  • There are 3 locks (also known as bhandas) to remember when you hold at the top of the breath. 

    • You will lock the tongue, pushing the tip of it against the roof of your mouth. While doing this, the eyes look up as though looking out the top of the head.

    • Next there is the root lock or the perineum lock. You know that muscle you use to hold your pee when you’ve really got to go? That one. That’s the one we’re locking the root chakra with.

    • Then there is the throat lock; simply drop the chin down toward the chest, without tilting the head forward or rounding the back of the neck. 

  • Exhale completely, sucking your belly into the spine. 

& if this made zero sense, here’s a super helpful breakdown of the body locks. 

Lesson 3

A DMT Experience

Okay, before you go dismissing what I’m about to say just remember that everything you need is within you. Your body chemically reacts to whatever you ingest, so in a sense YOU are the drug. Not that actual object or substance that physically exists outside of you. And let’s not forget, your body doesn’t know the difference between ‘illegal’ and ‘legal’ drugs so yes, sugar and salt are very much drugs. Honestly, food is drugs.

All that to say that Prana is all around you. What is Prana? It is the vital life force energy, also known as the breath. DMT is produced in your very own lungs. Yup, right now as you’re reading this, it’s just waiting for you to tap into it. What is DMT? If you google it, you’ll get a bunch of information saying it’s this psychedelic trippy drug similar to shrooms. Plot twist, it’s actually released every single night when you go to sleep and dream.

I challenge you to google “DMT breathwork” and check out those results instead. Or go ahead and try this quick exercise and see for yourself:

* Instant High:

30-40 fast breaths through the nose (as if you were running)

Completely exhale

Fully expand belly 

Hold it with whole body clenched for as long as you can 

Release slowly through the nose

Other Helpful Videos on Breathwork:

Breath Meals: Breathing Exercise

Breath Work Explained

Quick Breathing Exercises

4 Minute Breathing Exercise (I love this!)

The Daily 40 minute Breath Session Broken Down

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